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Chapitre 7
Les chambres d'Armand Renard

C'est en 2023, plus d'un an après la disparition de Thomas Burford que son amant Levon Agopian disparaît à son tour, à Valladolid, Espagne. On découvrit dans sa chambre d'hotel, ses portefeuilles de dessins emplis de ses derniers travaux. Il apparut plus tard, après étude minutieuse de sa série, qu'il manquait un certain nombre de dessins. 

Levon Agopian grandit au sein d'une famille franco-arménienne. Très jeune, en opposition avec les aspirations professionnelles de ses parents, Levon quitta le foyer familial. C'est en 2014, en s'arrêtant dans un parc à Édimbourg qu'il fit la rencontre de Thomas Burford, venu visité ses parents. Thomas Burford, tant charmé par le jeune homme que par son travail d'illustration, le prit sous son aile, et le présenta à J. Nielsson. Levon est employé en tant qu'illustrateur au sein de la compagnie en 2015. 

Chapter 7

Armand Renard's Rooms

In 2023, more than a year after Thomas Burford's disappearance, his lover Levon Agopian also disappeared. The staff of the hotel where he was staying discovered in his room, his portfolio of drawings filled with his last works. It later became apparent, after careful study of his series, that a number of drawings were missing. 


Levon Agopian grew up in a French-Armenian family. At a very young age, in opposition to his parents' professional aspirations, Levon left home to live from city to city and country to country, supporting himself by selling his work. It was in 2014, while stopping in a park in Edinburgh, that he met Thomas Burford, who had come to visit his parents. Thomas Burford, as charmed by the young man as by his work, took him under his wing, and introduced him to J. Nielsson a year later to employ him as an illustrator. 



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